Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

Now that we have that over, lets begin our slow drudge through the last three days of our week. I occasionally refer to this abundance of time as a "weekend"

And what makes this weekend , so much different than the others, is that I have actually taken the time to committing some of it to memory. Especially, in regards to our shared love of dancing like assholes at our local "indie dance night".

But enough of that , Its often been my experience in Boston, especially in regards to non commercial dance nights, that whatever been taken as being "old" or "tired" is actually where I want to be . Simply, due to the fact that those are the nights , that deliver consistency and have created and developed an identity that becomes the foundation of a community .
Ladies and gentlemen I give you Le Pill, or if you prefer The Pill.


I have had my sporadic bouts of extreme Friday night dedication to one of Boston's longest running dance nights and as of late I have found a lingering respect and admiration for this night. This week in particular, I found the Pill to display a larger diversity within its patrons, no longer are we besieged by the harem of black haired ex karen o's , but greeted by a youful swagger of contemporary and old school indie music lovers alike . Which leads us to our next point , that although carving out a niche as Boston's premier true "indie " nights , I'm really into DJ Michael V's willingness to explore some of the more electronic based sounds coming out of the indie underground these days. However, never to be outdone; Dj Ken still has managed to maintain the floors moving with our favorite 60's beats. All and all I find the Pill to consistently delivering new and diverse sounds that can still be classified as indie dance music.


So, needless to say 3 hours in, 15 bumps deep, 5 tequila's seeping into my liver .
I find myself doing the Mary Kate dance ....

Thank God for Fridays
actually thank Satan for The Pill

knight of 77

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