Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

if i was smart i would stop and start there. However, I think most of you understand the nature of this blog. I understand that we have been dodging around the true events of what happened last Saturday the 6th of December. Let me be the first to tell you that the title of this post has been the first accurate title i have done since we started this nonsense.


However, let me direct your attention to the character, on the left. That's right ladies and gentlemen ; Drop The Lime. I'm sure some of you noticed, that on our original flyer mr "lime" was not mentioned, but somehow wound up behind our decks to close out the evening, but we'll get to all of that later

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I have to say ,privus is always a win, and quiet honestly I always write that . I suppose that the launch party would be different for me , for obvious reasons. Starting at the beginning I guess you could say the roguewaves set was on point , although young there is a distinct maturity steadily becoming apparent in their sets and mixes. Speaking of which DJ Die Young's set highlighted his impending ascent into DJ greatness, keeping everyone including myself on the tips of our toes so to speak. Never, to be undone Michael V rounded out things, filling in the gaps where the others did not.

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Now, we get to the interesting part of our night , and I could go on about how epic, noteworthy and how Broman and I were standing on a chair throwing up gun signs screaming
"Fuck Yeah, POP POP POP"

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instead, I'm just going to say this.


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goodnight and good fight


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