i would like to take this time to tell you about our newest contributor to the blog. her name is Hannah. she is so fucking amazing! i met her while i was just "living" in Burlington, Vermont and she was in finishing up her final year at UVM. now
she now lives in New York and writes for For Those Who Know (4TWK. com) a site that covers music, film, art, literature, and everything in between. where she currently is writing concert reviews.
Hannah also writes for Joonbug (Joonbug. com) a guide to NYC nightlife, entertainment, culture, restaurants, fashion, etc. here she spends here time writing musician bios, restaurant reviews, and boutique write-ups. in addition to those two sites she also writes for a men's specific high end fashion blog
that goes by Rare Daily (Raredaily. com). if all that wasn't enough i decided to bring her on board to my Boston based blog creation team. she will be updating weekly on upcoming events in NYC that include everything from secret boutique soirees and sample sales. even just updating us with any and every lil hip blip tip.
she now lives in New York and writes for For Those Who Know (4TWK. com) a site that covers music, film, art, literature, and everything in between. where she currently is writing concert reviews.
Hannah also writes for Joonbug (Joonbug. com) a guide to NYC nightlife, entertainment, culture, restaurants, fashion, etc. here she spends here time writing musician bios, restaurant reviews, and boutique write-ups. in addition to those two sites she also writes for a men's specific high end fashion blog
that goes by Rare Daily (Raredaily. com). if all that wasn't enough i decided to bring her on board to my Boston based blog creation team. she will be updating weekly on upcoming events in NYC that include everything from secret boutique soirees and sample sales. even just updating us with any and every lil hip blip tip.
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